7. února 2014

Wishlist│Fragrance edition

Untitled #1

1. Moschino I Love Love│2. Chloé Roses de Chloé│3. Soap & Glory Original Pink│4. Marc Jacbos Honey

Hi everyone!

This is just a quick post about what scents have caught my nose attention lately.
Roses de Chloé
was love at first smell. Beautiful, light, feminine, fragile and floral. I Love Love was my first high-end perfume when I was, like, 16? I can't even remember! But it's a fun, interesting scent unlike any other, in my opinion! I recently came across some Soap & Glory products and fell in love with the Original Pink scent, so of course I would love to have it as a perfume! Such a shame I need to travel (at least) to Germany to get my hands on it, though. And last, but not least; Honey is such fun scent, unique and light and so nice!

What are your favourite scents? Do we have any in common?
Hope you're all having a nice Friday!


3 komentáře:

  1. tu chloe bych si taky přála :-)

  2. ja by som brala toho Marca Jacobsa ! :) tie fľaštičky sú strašne cuuute :)

  3. Chloe je klasika, takže ta je jasná a hned po ní Miss Dior.

