This article is a part of a new series I'll be trying to have here on PLT. I love discovering exciting new places as much as the next person and I'll be sharing them with you, as well as some of my all-time favourite ones. Let's start with a new one!
Café Záhorský is a fairly new place in Prague 6, near the Underground station Hradčanská. Basically, it's a café/bakery/bistro type situation. They serve breakfasts (full English included, as well as porridge, a croissant with marmelade or a million versions of eggs), pasta, salads, soups, homemade lemonades, and (of course) coffee.
The interior is really nice; airy, simple, minimalist. And I absolutely LOVE the vintage plate design of the wallpaper.
I have yet to try some of their main courses and other things but I can safely say that their coffee is great and so is the pastry.
They are also child-friendly, since they provide a kid's play area. I don't quite know about animals, though.
Hope you enjoyed this little post and see you again next time!
P.S. What are your favourite places to go to as of late?
Flat white and a REALLY lovely croissant.
The wallpaper. So cute. SO CUTE.
Když jsem se dozvěděla, že se na Praze 6 objevilo poměrně nová kavárna/pekárna/bistro, neváhala jsem, a svůj další pracovní meeting jsem 'nenápadně' nasměrovala tam.
A nelitovala jsem. Super káva, výborné pečivo, krásné prostředí. Do toho se přidalo slunečné počasí, takže nálada na jedničku! Už se těším, až vyzkouším některé z jejich hlavních jídel, a třeba domácí limonádu.Nevím, jak to mají se zvířaty, ale kavárna má dětský koutek. Pro mě to nijak rozhodujícím faktorem není, ale vím, že pro někoho jiného by mohlo.
Doufám, že se vám článek líbil, a na počtenou příště!
Looks lovely! <3
OdpovědětVymazatThis place looks so nice, I love the plate design wallpaper too ahh pretty <3 Looks like a yummy coffee. I've been bookmarking so many new cafes in Edinburgh to try haha, loads keep popping up.
OdpovědětVymazatClaire xx
it is, right! Oh yeah, tell me about it. There's always a new place to visit, haha!