I think that even if you were to make ONE New Year's goal, it would be amazing to consider getting more environmentally conscious. I'm not going to go through all the reasons why because I think it should be quite obvious but just try to track how much waste you produce every day, how much water you use up, how many things you're surrounded with that you don't really need at all.
The most important thing is to realise that you don't need to suddenly go vegan, zero-waste and save the world entirely by yourself. Such goals are intimidating and might often be unreachable. Instead, you'll want to focus on making conscious choices and little changes -- know that they'll make great difference as well! I'm going to bring you some tips on how to incorporate environmentally conscious living into your everyday life.
Driving is one of the most eco-unfriendly things one can do. Of course that you don't need to sell your car and start cycling everywhere but try to make use of public transport, actually walk more (also counts towards getting healthier!) and maybe even try cycling if you enjoy it!
2. Cut down on plastics.
In the age when everything seems to be in a plastic container or at least covered in a plastic wrapper, try to look for 'naked' products. Great place to start is beauty products. Look for oils/creams/etc in glass packaging or in no packaging at all; like Lush's shampoo/conditioner/scrub/shower gel/body moisturizer bars - these are a GREAT way to go (not sponsored, BTW - I just really love Lush!). Also avoid bringing home dozens of plastic bags by always carrying a tote bag with you and having multiple in your car if you have one. Another important thing is don't buy bottled water, either drink tap water if it's good in your area or invest in one of those water filter pitchers.
3. Recycle.
This one should be a no-brainer in my opinion but I'll include it. Remember it's not just plastics, paper and glass; these days, you can recycle tins, cartons and other things as well!
4. Eat less meat.
As I said in the beginning, you don't need to go full on vegan. Not even vegetarian, if you don't want to. Try cutting down on meat, though, as meat farming is really harmful for the environment. Start with Meat-free Mondays, then you can try eating meat only three times a week, for example.
5. Support local produce and buy seasonal.
Try googling what foods are seasonal in your part of the world each season and add more of them to your current diet. You'll help to cut down on the need to transport things from very far away often at a not ripe state and storing and unavoidably throwing away a lot of them.
Also buying local produce and products is a great thing since you support your local farmers/shops etc.
Also buying local produce and products is a great thing since you support your local farmers/shops etc.
6. DIY more.
This point is connected to no. 7. We live in a cosnsumerist society that encourages us to keep buying and buying which creates tons and tons of waste. Try to look into DIY, there are thousands of Youtube videos, Pinterest tips and other places to look. Whether it's making your own beauty products (like face/hair masks, scrubs, even bath bombs), re-vamping old home decor items you would otherwise throw away (frames, mugs, plant pots, furniture etc), repurposing things or other cool stuff. You'll feel really great afterwards, it's always rewarding to make DIY projects!
7. Buy less.
Think twice before buying, especially one-use items. Consider investing in re-usable items like cloth handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues, taking your makeup off with a muselin cloth or a small towel instead of using cotton pads etc. While buying clothes, don't go for all the newest trends that you might not like in a 6-months time, invest in classic, timeless pieces you'll be able to combine for a long time.
Think twice before buying, especially one-use items. Consider investing in re-usable items like cloth handkerchiefs instead of paper tissues, taking your makeup off with a muselin cloth or a small towel instead of using cotton pads etc. While buying clothes, don't go for all the newest trends that you might not like in a 6-months time, invest in classic, timeless pieces you'll be able to combine for a long time.
9. Don't waste water.
While taking a shower, always turn the water off while shampooing, using a shower gel, putting shaving gel on and things like that. Also turn the tap off while you're brushing your teeth. You'll save both money alnd water!
While taking a shower, always turn the water off while shampooing, using a shower gel, putting shaving gel on and things like that. Also turn the tap off while you're brushing your teeth. You'll save both money alnd water!
10. Thrift.
Whether it's pre-owned clothes (you can try to find a local thrift store or have a browse through apps like Vinted or Depop), PC and console games or books, you can find a lot of great things for great prices if you make a little effort.
11. Look into natural cosmetic/house cleaning etc products.
Natural beauty products are usually made from ingredients originate from environmentally friendly sources. Not to mention they're generally gentler, less harmful and just 'cleaner' than chemical products. The same goes for house cleaning products. You can get a lot eco-friendly cleaners these days. That's not to say that you need to go 100% natural but try to incorporate a couple natural items into your life and you'll see, they might surprise you.
IMPORTANT REMINDER; these tips might seem overwhelming and that's completely understandable! You don't need to do all of this at once (although, of course the more the better), as long as you make your best effort, it's great! I have to go a long way before I'm happy with how I live environmental-consciousness-wise but as long as I make progress, all is good.
I really, really hope you all have an amazing 2018, may it be filled with love, light, understanding, kindness, compassion and a sense of fulfillment. Have hope, give back, be strong.
xoxo Tess
IMPORTANT REMINDER; these tips might seem overwhelming and that's completely understandable! You don't need to do all of this at once (although, of course the more the better), as long as you make your best effort, it's great! I have to go a long way before I'm happy with how I live environmental-consciousness-wise but as long as I make progress, all is good.
I really, really hope you all have an amazing 2018, may it be filled with love, light, understanding, kindness, compassion and a sense of fulfillment. Have hope, give back, be strong.
xoxo Tess
Brilliant post! I love a good ol' recycle, I only recently discovered how much can be recycled too, especially clothing items like tights, socks, bras etc. to name a few. I wish I'd known this earlier haha! These are all such amazing ways to be more eco friendly, I'll definitely be putting these more into practice :D thanks for sharing!
Thank you for such a lovely comment! I'm really glad you find these tips useful, I think being eco-friendly is easier than many people think!
VymazatAll the love!
Tess Pretty Little Things blog